Early this summer I wrote something about how to counter misinformation. Simply moving from one platform to another isn't the answer. Instead we have to rethink the platforms themselves. But first we can indeed take X out of the equation. Would welcome chatting with you about your migration experience and an idea I have to foster more of that. Here's the post: https://infostack.substack.com/p/burn-it-all-down
This has been on my mind a lot this week. I often think about how I go there for one thing but end up consuming other topics. Like going in for a sip of water and drinking a whole liter. I mainly use Twitter for fast news, Facebook and Instagram for entertainment. However, like you I find that it takes away from things I should be focusing on and even contributes to my anxiety. Thanks for writing about this.
Great article Brian. I am considering ditching it too. I'll check out Bluesky! Cheers!!
Feel this post so hard. I could write an epic on all the benefits and torture I've received from Twitter.
Early this summer I wrote something about how to counter misinformation. Simply moving from one platform to another isn't the answer. Instead we have to rethink the platforms themselves. But first we can indeed take X out of the equation. Would welcome chatting with you about your migration experience and an idea I have to foster more of that. Here's the post: https://infostack.substack.com/p/burn-it-all-down
This has been on my mind a lot this week. I often think about how I go there for one thing but end up consuming other topics. Like going in for a sip of water and drinking a whole liter. I mainly use Twitter for fast news, Facebook and Instagram for entertainment. However, like you I find that it takes away from things I should be focusing on and even contributes to my anxiety. Thanks for writing about this.
SUNY Oswego still wants my money at every opportunity. If only they could offer me a regular edition of the #MortizMemeWar, they might have a shot …